WIllkommen in der Smart City Salzburg
Wir arbeiten an der Stadt von MorgenSmart City SalzburgWe are working on the city of tomorrow
Smart City Salzburg is working on making our city more liveable, from sustainable energy concepts, via smooth mobility and onto economical street lighting. Just what is it that turns a city into a Smart City and how will Salzburg be fit for the future?
Franz Huemer | Stadt:Salzburg"Eine Smart City ist nachhaltig und lebenswert""A Smart City is sustainable and liveable“
As the Project co-ordinator, Franz Huemer ties all the parts together when it’s about Smart City projects. We asked him what this term means for him and which projects are close to his heart.
Alexander Rehbogen | S.I.R."Wir möchten Salzburg noch lebenswerter gestalten""We want to make Salzburg even more liveable“
Alexander Rehbogen works for the Salzburg Institute for Spatial Planning (S.I.R.) in the Smart City co-ordination team. We asked him what the term means in his opinion and how one can implement it in practice.
Best Practice: Sporthalle Nord
Best PracticeSportzentrum NordSports Centre North
The idea of the Smart City has been comprehensively realised in the new sports centre in the north of the City of Salzburg. Here we show what makes this project so special.
Dank Solarenergie und Geothermie erzeugt die Halle mehr Energie, als sie verbraucht.
Über eine Rampe und einen Lift ist jeder Bereich der Halle uneingeschränkt erreichbar. Auch rollstuhlfreundliche Umkleidekabinen stehen zur Verfügung.
Ein umlaufendes Lichtband sorgt in der Halle für gleichmäßige, indirekte Beleuchtung.
Weil der Hallenboden abgesenkt ist, ragt die Halle trotz ihrer Höhe kaum hervor und passt sich dem Landschaftsbild an.
Die Tribüne bietet Platz für 300 Zuschauer*innen. Von jedem Platz ist optimale Sicht auf das Spielfeld gewährleistet.
Die Halle kann in drei separat verwendbare Teile getrennt werden.
Alexander Schrank | SIG"Eine Halle, die mehr Energie erzeugt, als sie verbraucht."“A hall which creates more energy than it uses.”
Alexander Schrank is the Director of Construction for the City of Salzburg and Managing Director of City of Salzburg Real Estate GmbH (SIG). We asked him what makes the new Sports Centre North so special and what he understands under the term of Smart City.
Smart im Alltag
Familie Lüftenegger | The Lüftenegger FamilySmart im AlltagSmart in the Everyday
Whether a city is sustainable depends mostly on the approach to life and the attitude of its inhabitants. We visited a Salzburg family for who a smart lifestyle is especially important.
Familie Lüftenegger | The Lüftenegger FamilySmart im AlltagSmart in everyday life
Lots of little decisions help to make our city sustainable. A good example of sustainable living is the Lüftenegger family. We visited them and asked what their Smart Everyday looks like.
Smart am Rad
Best PracticeSmart am RadSmart on the bicycle
Salzburg is one of Austria’s most popular cycle cities. In order to improve further on this good starting position, the city is investing heavily in the cycle infrastructure. The goal is to increase the amount of cycle traffic from 20% to 24%.
Josef Reithofer | Stadt:SalzburgSmart am RadSmart on the bike
Genaue Informationen zur Radstrategie 2025 finden Sie hier.
The amount of cycle traffic in Salzburg should be further increased under the framework of the Cycle Strategy 2025. Included within the specific measures are examples such as the expansion of the cycle path network, the implementation of a bike rental system and improved cycle parking.
More detailed information on the Cycle Strategy 2025 can be found here.
Best Practice: Stadtwerk Lehen
Best PracticeStadtwerk Lehen
A pioneering project for the Smart City Salzburg is the Lehen Public Utilities. A modern quarter was erected on the disused industrial complex, in which companies and residents have equally found their home.
Andreas Schmidbaur | Stadt:SalzburgEine Smart City ist sparsamA Smart City is economical
Andreas Schmidbaur is the Director of the Spatial Planning and Construction Department in the City of Salzburg. We asked him what makes the Lehen Public Utilities so special.
Vernetzung ist smart
Smart City Round TableVernetzung ist SmartNetworking is smart
One of the goals of this Smart City is to bring together the best minds to find common solutions for Salzburg’s future. This is why we regularly connect at business meetings with experts and colleagues from Austria and abroad.
Kai-Uwe Hoffer | Stadt GrazGraz ist SmartGraz is smart
Salzburg is not the only city working on a Smart City strategy. Kai-Uwe Hoffer explains how the principles of a Smart City are being applied to the Styrian capital Graz.
Helmut Strasser | S.I.R."Eine Smart City ist wie ein Puzzle mit vielen Steinen"“A Smart City is like a puzzle with lots of stones”
Helmut Strasser was one of the first in Salzburg to think about the topic of the Smart City. Since then, he has been on the lookout for best practice examples from all around the world along with opportunities to sensibly implement them in Salzburg.
Zum Abschluss
Die Zukunft beginnt heuteMöchten Sie mehr wissen?Would you like to know more?
Are you interested in learning more about how the Smart City Salzburg is doing? Then visit our website and stay informed!