Welcome to Hellbrunn
Your virtual tour through the palace & trick fountainsWelcome to Hellbrunn
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Welcome to the trick fountains
Welcome to the trick fountainsWhat shall we show you?
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A marvel of technology
Unique encounters with the 17th centuryA marvel of technology
The Royal Table
Station 1: The Roman TheatreThe Royal Table
Station 1: The Roman TheatreThe Royal Table
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Afterwards, please scroll further down to get to the next station, or return to the overview.
The Orpheus Grotto
Station 2The Orpheus Grotto
Discover the Orpheus Grotto
Please swipe left and right to discover the grotto in detail.
The ibex
Together with the lion, the ibex is the heraldic animal of Prince Archbishop Markus Sittikus.
Eurydice's medallion
Eurydice wears a medallion, which probably shows the face of Markus Sittikus. It was therefore often claimed that the figure was modelled on his lover. From today's point of view, however, this seems unlikely.
Ceiling decoration
Particularly fascinating is the lining of this artificial grotto with tube sinters and stalactites. It's like you're actually in the underworld.
Architect unknown
The creator of this group of figures is unknown and is referred to by art historians as the “Orpheusmaster”.
The Big Grottos
Station 3The Big Grottos
Station 3: The big grottosThe Neptune Grotto
Please klick 'Start 360° Panorama' to explore the grotto.
Station 3: The big grottosThe Hellbrunn Germaul
Station 3: The big grottosThe Mirror Grotto
Please klick 'Start 360° Panorama' to explore the grotto.
Station 3: The big grottosThe Shell Grotto
Station 3: The big grottosThe Ruins Grotto
Please klick 'Start 360° Panorama' to explore the grotto. Then we say goodbye to the big grottos and continue on our journey outdoors. Please scroll down or click here to get back to the overview.
The star pond
Station 4The Star Pond
Station 4The Star Pond
Amazed enough? Then, on to the next station. We visit the small grottos with their mechanical marvels. Or you can return to the overview.
The Small Mechanical Theatres
Station 5The Small Mechanical Theatres
- a knife-grinder at work
- Apollo who flays the satyr Marsyas
- Perseus fighting the sea monster to free Andromeda
- a miller at work
- a potter’s workshop
If you have seen enough, we will now head on to the Venus Fountain or you can go back to the overview.
The Venus Grotto
Station 6The Venus Grotto
Station 6The Venus Grotto
Station 6The Venus Grotto
After the Venus Grotto we move on to the Mechanical Theatre. You can also return to the overview.
The Mechanical Theatre
Station 7The Mechanical Theatre
Station 7The Mechanical Theatre
Continue your journey by scrolling or return to the overview.
The Crown Grotto
Station 8The Crown Grotto
Station 8The Crown Grotto
And now?
And now?
Welcome to Hellbrunn Palace
What may we show you?A warm welcome to Hellbrunn Palace
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Prince for Church and Country
Politician, man and clergymanPrince for Church and Country
The Villa Outside the City
The Villa Outside the City
Trick Fountains
Hellbrunn stream with horsepond
Palace Chapel
Hellbrunn Palace
20th century
English landscape garden
18th century
Brook Trout Snuggery
Pleasure House
Garden with water parterre
Monatsschlössl Chateau
Salzburg ZOO
Water wonderland
21th century
Sound of Music gazebo
20th century
Hellbrunn alley
20th century
Stone theatre
Watzmann view
19th century
Sacral park
Enclosure wall
Enclosure wall
Belvedere Chateau
View of the city from above
Melancholy and Death
“As soon as I get to the roof, I have to return to the foundation”Melancholy and Death
Princely Nature
The dining roomPrincely Nature
Discover the Gallery
Please swipe left and right to discover the paintings in detail.
Sunflower, 1618
Sittikus' chronicler, Johannes Steinhauser, mentions “extremely large sunflowers” that “have grown in the newly built princely pleasure garden of Hellbrunn, Anno 1618” – something quite exotic in Europe at that time.
Hausen, 17th century
According to the text, the Hausen (beluga sturgeon) weighing 238 pounds (133 kg) was caught in the Salzach river in the city of Tittmoning in 1617.
White Reindeer, 17th century
Probably as a gift for well-run negotiations, Prince Archbishop Guidobald Graf von Thun and Hohenstein received this reindeer from the Swedish King Karl XI.
Swan, 1636
Originally on the nobility's menu, swans were pushed off the princely table with the appearance of turkey after the discovery of America.
Orientally-clad man with eight-legged horse, 17th century
According to the image inscription, the horse with the innate polydactyly was presented in 1673 in the Salzburg Residence.
Unicorn, 21st century
People were already fascinated by unicorns in the days of Markus Sittikus. They can be found in many places throughout the palace and the unicorn served as the heraldic animal of the Prince Archbishop Guidobald Graf von Thun, who redesigned Hellbrunn in many places during his reign.
Representation in Hellbrunn
The ceremonial hallRepresentation in Hellbrunn
Discover the Ceremonial Hall
Please swipe left and right to discover the ceremonial hall in detail.
View of the Uffizi Gallery (Florence)
Virtues: divine justice and goodness
The divine justice holds the sword, the scale and the dove. Next to her is goodness with a pelican and its young, the symbol of sacrifice.
Virtues: strength and unknown identity
The figure with the helmet stands for strength, the identity of the virtue with the staff is not handed down.
Virtues: wisdom and humility/knowledge
Wisdom not only carries weapons, but also holds a mirror for itself. Next to it is the virtue of humility.
Virtues: moderation and reason of state
Moderation holds palm and bridle, the reason of state is equipped with helmet, sword, armour and general staff.
Personification of the virtue of love and Vita Breve
Vita Breve is the brevity of life with pansies in its hands.
Virtues: faith and hope
View of St. Mark's Cathedral (Venice)
Coat of arms and motto ribbon
Above the door are a golden ibex, the heraldic animal of Markus Sittikus and a black lion, the heraldic animal of Salzburg, depicted in an intimate embrace. The motto ribbon above it bears the motto of the Prince Archbishop - NUMEN VEL DISSA IUNGIT: A divine power connects even the opposite.